We can create a more humane and sustainable world by changing the way we nourish our community.

Our approach to reimagining our modern food system is rooted in Jewish traditions and teachings.

We are dedicated to advocating for the well-being of people, animals, and our planet.

Our Mission

We are dedicated to helping Jewish communities align their food practices with their Jewish values in response to the damage caused by factory farming. We empower institutions and individuals to make more humane and sustainable choices for long-term cultural change.

Assorted Mediterranean dishes including hummus, chickpeas, falafel, tabbouleh, pita bread, baba ghanoush, and vegetables on a wooden table.

Our Vision

We envision a Jewish community that shifts towards plant-based food practices to create a just and sustainable food system that honors Jewish ethics.

Basket of mini challah loaves topped with sesame seeds.

Our Theory of Change

At the Center For Jewish Food Ethics, we apply Jewish ethical wisdom to address the contemporary problems caused by industrial animal agriculture. 

We provide Jewish communities with practical strategies to help them transition toward more sustainable food practices.

We encourage normalizing plant-based foods as the default meal option. This approach centers the Jewish values of protecting people, animals, and the planet and supports the creation of a healthier, more resilient food system for all.

Close-up of green cabbage growing in a garden with large leaves.

כי הוא אל זן ומפרנס לכל ומטיב לכל ומכין מזון לכל בריותיו אשר ברא
"For God feeds and sustains all, does good to all, and prepares food for all of God's creations."

- Birkat Hamazon (Blessing After Meals)

Our Values

We are bold thought leaders inspiring inquiry and positive change to the way our communities interact with food and the broader world.

  • We welcome all through an inclusive, accessible, and non-judgmental approach to learning and action that employs deep listening.

  • We innovate and learn collaboratively with partners and supporters, maintaining flexibility while staying rooted in Jewish traditional values.

  • We are intentional and pragmatic, offering realistic and actionable strategies to support long-term change.

Meet the Team

  • Person wearing sunglasses sitting on a rocky coastal landscape with blue water and cliffs in the background.

    Rabbi Melissa Hoffman, M.S.

    Executive Director

  • Man in a suit sitting on the floor, smiling, holding sunglasses, wearing a flat cap and casual shoes.

    Rabbi Jonathan Bernhard

    Director of Clergy Engagement

  • Person with curly hair smiling, wearing glasses and a white cardigan, standing on a beach with ocean in the background.

    Kayla Kaplan, M.S.

    (any pronouns)
    Director of Communications

  • Dr. Marcia Miller

    Chairperson, Board Member

  • Lisa Apfelberg

    Board Member

  • Ilana Braverman

    Board Member

  • Aaron S. Gross, PhD

    Board Member

  • Richard Schwartz, PhD

    Board Member

  • Leah Stolar

    Board Member

Our team isn’t growing right now but we welcome collaboration and partnership opportunities.